Tuesday, July 26, 2016

my love hate relationship with Atom (mostly hate)

I was (to an extent still am) a staunch supporter of the Atom editor, but today I think I am finally considering moving on to Visual Studio Code (vscode). Who would have thought Microsoft would (IMO) create a faster editor using Github's Electron better than Github themselves? (Github created Atom, Electron is a UI container to write cross platform GUI apps using web technology like Javascript and html). Atom and vscode are both built on Electron.

Atom is a wonderful editor developed with node. It rightfully earned its slogan "A hackable text editor". There are tons of plugins/packages written for the editor and they are simply amazing. So why am I shying away from Atom? It is so slow! Painfully slow. Want to open a simple file to edit? 5-6 seconds (16gb ram Mac). I found myself just firing up Vim most of the time to edit, and I am not so proficient with Vim.

Things I tried to speed it up:
  • Uninstalled most of my plugins/packages (no dice)
  • Reverted my themes to default (no dice)
  • Tried the beta version (slightly better)
  • Am i missing anything else?

Visual Studio Code (vscode): I first tried out this editor when it was in beta, and I hated it. It had no plugin support, clunky (IMO) user interface, but I did like it's git integration. I fired it up a couple of months post beta and it was really fast, it also now has supports for plugins! and boy is the plugin/extensions community growing rather rapidly. I installed similar plugins/extensions like I had on atom and it was still fast! 

Things I like about vscode:
  • Fast.
  • Great git integration (diff tool is lovely)
  • Integrated terminal support off the bat
  • Has support for recent files or folder (so basic! A plugin for atom 🙄)
  • Amazing support for Typescript. (to be fair Typescript is created my Microsoft, so it was a given)
  • I prefer the auto suggestion of vscode

Verdict? Pending. I am still going to use both of them because I have a soft spot for Atom but vscode is making me more productive. I just wanted to rant. /r

Sunday, July 24, 2016

what have I been up to?

A while ago (previous post) I made a statement about me learning golang and publishing updates as I went along. Guess what? Life happened and I got sidetracked. For now I have put that endeavor in the back-log and started working on some side projects. This time around i waited to make sure I had something up and running before blogging about it.

So, I am happy to present Parrot Status. It is a desktop app to help configure your Parrot Zik headphone. This was done with the intention of learning Swift/Xcode for both desktop and mobile apps.

Tech stack

Going forward

I had originally approached building this app from the perspective if a back-end Java enterprise developer. I did not adopt any Swift nomenclature in terms of design patterns and suggested approaches e.g (Protocol Oriented Programming).
So far I am okay with what I have done and might use this as a test bed to implement best patterns (only if applicable, if it ain't broken... don't... break... it).
